Teaching Assistant

CS-433 Machine Learning

Graduate course, EPFL, CS Department, 2021

Teacher assistant for the Master class of Machine Learning CS-433 taught by Prof. Jaggi and Prof. Flammarion for more than 500 students. Graded student projects, helped write the final exam, maintained weekly TA session to provide help to the students.

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MATH-251 Numerical Analysis

Undegraduate course, EPFL, Mathematics Department, 2021

Maintained weekly TA session to provide help to the students and graded exams for Professor Deparis

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PREPA-003 Calculus I

Undegraduate course, EPFL, Mathematics Department, 2021

Maintained weekly TA session to provide help to the students and graded exams for Professor Dubuis.

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PREPA-0032(a) Linear Algebra I

Undegraduate course, EPFL, Mathematics Department, 2021

Maintained weekly TA session to provide help to the students for Professor Huruguen.

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MATH-101(b) Calculus I

Undegraduate course, EPFL, Mathematics Department, 2021

Maintained weekly TA session to provide help to the students for Professor Bouffa.

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PREPA-0032(b) Linear Algebra I

Undegraduate course, EPFL, Mathematics Department, 2021

Maintained weekly TA session to provide help to the students for Professor Bossoney.

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